What We Want for Our Kids
Christina Zambrano Christina Zambrano

What We Want for Our Kids

I’ll preface this by saying I am the self-proclaimed queen of unpopular opinions. As the Gen X mom of a young child in a sea of Millennial parents. In addition to my imaginary tiara, I bring to the table, fifteen years of work as a licensed, clinical psychologist. During this time, I’ve worked with hundreds of children and their parents on a wide range of topics, and I’ve seen first-hand that unhelpful ideas never die. Toxic beliefs we hold for our children often start from a place of love but take a wrong turn down the path our own anxieties. I’ll highlight some of the most frequent and most unhelpful ideas that I hear….

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5 Things You Should Never Say to Someone With OCD (And What to Say Instead)
Christina Zambrano Christina Zambrano

5 Things You Should Never Say to Someone With OCD (And What to Say Instead)

If a friend or family member has obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), you probably want to do whatever you can to help them. However, if you’ve never experienced this disorder yourself, it can be difficult to understand what they’re going through and how best to support them. While your intentions may be good, certain phrases can be unintentionally harmful. Your goal should be to empathize with them and offer support, so with that in mind, you’ll want to avoid saying things like….

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