What is Emetophobia?

Emetophobia is an intense and irrational fear of vomiting, seeing others vomit, or feeling nauseous. This fear can cause significant distress and lead to avoidance of situations where vomiting might occur, such as certain foods, public places, or social gatherings. For some individuals, even the mention of vomiting can trigger anxiety.

Signs & Symptoms of Emetophobia:
- Extreme fear or anxiety at the thought of vomiting or seeing someone vomit.
- Avoidance of certain foods, places, or activities where vomiting could occur.
- Repeated behaviors aimed at preventing nausea or vomiting (e.g., eating less, avoiding public spaces).
- Significant impact on social life, work, or daily functioning due to fear of vomiting.

  • Emetophobia can be treated effectively with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps individuals challenge and change their thoughts about vomiting. Exposure therapy may also be used to gradually desensitize individuals to their fear, allowing them to experience situations they would typically avoid.

How is emetophobia treated?